# Most alphabetic Marcin Ciura Twitter: @mciura ## Judges' comments: ### To use: make ./getwords.sh en | grep .. | ./prog aeiouvwxyz ### Try: ./getwords.sh en | grep .. | ./prog aeiouhjklmnvwxyz ./getwords.sh en | grep .. | ./prog mrjocktvquizphdbagsfewlynx ./en.sh ./fr.sh ./ru.sh ### Selected Judges Remarks: A few letters, one at a time, with no repeats. How many different ways can this be done? While a quick brown fox might jump over the lazy dog, it has too many repeat letters to allow this entry to repeat. It is better that Mr Jock, TV quiz PhD, bags few lynx. Speaking of jumping, can you rewrite the code to remote all of the goto jumps in this code? ## Author's comments: ### What is this? This entry reads from standard input a list of words in any language written with an alphabet and outputs perfect pangrams composed of these words. A perfect pangram is a series of words that contains every letter of the alphabet exactly once. Example execution: $ grep .. /usr/share/dict/words | ./prog abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz qualm fjord wiz pyx vs beg kc nth quartz jinx vs fed kc womb glyph quid jamb fez vs pyx kc growl nth quiz fjord pyx vs bag kc mewl nth quiz fjord pyx vs gab kc mewl nth quiz fjord pyx vs gem bawl kc nth quiz fjord pyx vs meg bawl kc nth quiz fjord vex bawl kc gyp ms nth quiz jamb flex vs kc gyp word nth quiz jamb pyx vs kc flog drew nth quiz jamb pyx vs kc frog lewd nth quiz jamb pyx vs kc frog weld nth quiz jamb pyx vs kc golf drew nth quiz jamb pyx vs kc grew fold nth quiz jamb pyx vs kc grow nth fled quiz jamb pyx vs kc growl fed nth Rearranging the words into more or less meaningful expressions is the user's duty. This entry implements Algorithm X (_Exact cover via dancing links_) from Section in fascicle 5C of _The Art of Computer Programming_ by Donald E. Knuth. As of June 2019, you can download an incomplete draft of the fascicle from [Knuth's website](https://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~knuth/fasc5c.ps.gz). ### Usage **`prog LETTERS [N]`** reads allowed words from standard input and writes perfect pangrams with at most _N_ words composed of _LETTERS_ to standard output, one per line. If _N_ is not given, the number of words in the pangrams is unlimited. The characters in _LETTERS_ must not repeat. The length of _LETTERS_ must not exceed 97 characters. The exit status is 0 if no error occurred, 1 if the input word list is too long, and 2 if the command-line arguments are missing. ### Helper scripts **`getwords.sh LANGUAGE_CODE`** outputs a sorted list of unique words in a given language, one per line. It requires **`aspell`** with a dictionary for _LANGUAGE_CODE_. **`wrapprog.py LETTERS [N]`** works similarly to **`prog LETTERS [N]`** except that it merges anagrams before passing them to **`prog`** and expands them in **`prog`**'s output. This way, it finishes the job faster than **`prog`** when there are millions of perfect pangrams. It requires a UTF-8 locale. **`de.sh`**, **`en.sh`**, **`fr.sh`**, **`it.sh`**, **`pl.sh`**, and **`ru.sh`** output German, English, French, Italian, Polish, and Russian perfect pangrams, respectively. They require a UTF-8 locale. ### Miscellaneous remarks I dare submit this entry to categories _algorithms_, _internationalization_ (I have not found active use of **``** among the programs that won IOCCC in the past), and _obscure bugs_ (see the questions about Linux core dumps below). To a casual eye, this entry may look similar to [2005 klausler](https://www.ioccc.org/years.html#2005_klausler). However, **`prog`** is internationalized and way faster. On my machine, **`./klausler abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`** printed only 3,965 perfect pangrams until I killed it after 144 hours running, while the equivalent **`tr A-Z a-z < /usr/share/dict/words | egrep -v '^[^ais]$' | ./prog abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | wc -l`** finished in 62 minutes, reporting 1,640,569,315 perfect pangrams, and the example from section [What is this?](#wit) finished in 1.35 seconds. On the other hand, **`prog`** can only output series of words with nonrepeating characters, unlike **`klausler`**. In contrast to **`prog.orig.c`**, **`prog.c`** does not call **`fflush(stdout)`** after outputting each line, thus running faster. I am grateful to Witold Jarnicki for suggesting this change. The original **`prog`** finished the example above in 100 minutes instead of 62 minutes. If your word list contains meaningless one-letter words, pipe **`grep .. [FILE]`** through **`prog`** to eliminate the pangrams that contain them. According to **`prog`** and **`aspell`**, some languages, e.g. Spanish, have no perfect pangrams. Why does **`yes | ./prog y`** hang on Linux? Change **`static int`** to **`int`** and **`static wchar_t`** to **`wchar_t`**, and recompile **`prog`**. Why does **`yes | ./prog y`** dump core now? Change the line **`#define P 9<<23^1`** to **`#define P 9<<23`** and recompile **`prog`**. Why does **`yes | ./prog y`** exit gracefully? Answer: Nf bs Whar 2019, guhf znavsrfg ohtf va **`tyvop`** 2.22--2.29: [1](https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=20568) naq [2](https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=20632). The source code uses **`goto`** three times. While it could easily get by without **`goto M`** and **`goto H`**, I challenge the adherents of structured programming to refactor **`goto T`**, which jumps back into a nested **`if`** block. With the supplied **`Makefile`**, both **`gcc`** and **`clang`** compile **`prog.c`** without warnings in C11 and C99 mode. For a clean compilation with **`gcc -std=c90`**, add **`-Wno-format`** to **`CSILENCE`** in **`Makefile`**. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------