require 'cgi'
require ENV['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] + '/test/ruby/LUHN'
if ENV['QUERY_STRING'].nil? then
answer = ''
numebr = ''
query = CGI.parse(ENV['QUERY_STRING'])
number = query['number'].to_s
case query['action'].to_s
when 'Validate'
is_valid = LUHN.valid?(number)
answer = number
when 'Generate'
digit = LUHN.generate(number)
answer = "#{number}" + digit.to_s
is_valid = ! digit.nil?
puts <<"EOT"
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html
Hibachi - Playing with LUHN checksums in Ruby
Playing with LUHN checksums in Ruby "mod 10 Double-Add-Double"
Enter an alpha-numeric string like a credit card number or International Securities Identification Number (ISO 6166).
Click validate to test if the entered string is correct. Click generate to append the check digit to the string.